This season, every coach/manager will be looking out for that special someone in their game each week to award Golden Goal Points.
At the End of Season Presentation & Awards Night, the player in your team with the most 'Golden Goal' points, will receive the 'Coaches Choice Award'. The club will then pick one winner from the coaches choice winners, to win the club's ' Golden Goal Award '.
These points will be awarded to the player (or split between up to 3 players) who have performed well that week - either through their general attitude, performance or anything else the coach/manager thinks has been great.
Our #arctic2018 goal this season to win the Club Championship rests on three laurels: performance, attendance, and getting every player a goal. Golden Goal points therefore might be awarded to:
- The player who turned up early and was ready for their pre-game warmup
- The player who scored the most goals
- The player with the best attitude in helping their teams share the ball around
Or of course, any other reason the coach/manager wants!
The points have begun to tally from our U10s right up to our Opens teams, so make sure you're giving your all this week and we'll see you at the game!